So, it depends on how we want to use the term persistent. If we’re using it the way I use it which might be wrong, it is persistent in that if you go on there and set the background to a picture of your kids and you go away and log in a week later, it’s still a picture of your kids. So it is persistent, by design. In order to make it non-persistent, you can do it, it’s just a configuration to tell it to forget everything.
The reason I think of that people do that is if they’re really trying to cramp down on the storage or if they’ve got 3,000 users than may not ever do anything and they’re never going to customize it They’re going to use an application in WVD and then go away and come back. They’re not going to use it like a desktop, it’s just a remote way to get to a thing. Then we would go ahead and set it to be non-persistent so you’re not wasting resources saving all those profiles. And another way some people think of persistent is does it always stay on? And the answer is it can, but then there are costs incurred while it’s always on. And there’s no benefit to that per-se.
There’s another way people kind of use it which would be if you mix persistent and dedicated. Host pools, which is what determines you as a user, what you’re going to log on to as a user. And, by the way, a user can have access to as many host pools as you want to give them. But we can have dedicated host pools. What that means is, for our engineering customers, sometimes they will have a small number of expensive GPU enabled machines that they use for their AutoCAD work. And they can have a dedicated pool which means when they access it, they’re being lit up on one host, no one else is going to get on. So when they’re in that session, they’re the only one that has access to those resources of that machine behind the scenes. And you can have host pools set up where every time a new user logs on, you get a new machine, a new machine. It’s an in-efficient and expensive way to give them the absolute highest performance. And then maybe they have another host pool that they use for their regular daily office work. There could be 2, 4, 10, 20 people sharing that box all depending on how we configure it or how you configure it based on performance requirements.

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