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Do we have to use Teams Phone devices with Teams Phone?
Anywhere that you can access the Teams application, you can use the phone system. So again, just by opening up the Teams application on your cell phone, you can use just the Teams application on the desktop, you can use just a desk phone. You don’t need all of these or any additional hardware; they
What types of Devices can we use with Microsoft Teams Phone
There are several different options for Teams compatible devices. We like to break this down to Personal Devices and Shared Devices. So Personal Devices include headsets, desk phones, mobile phone stations, speaker pucks, mobile phones PC. These are all ways individual users and make and receive
Learn more about Microsoft Teams Phone Licensing
In order to utilize Teams phone system in the calling plan, your users do need to have a base M365 license, so any license that has Microsoft Teams. On this chart, you’ll see that with Microsoft 365, Teams and audio conferencing is included in the full M365 suite. So whether that would be M365
Learn more about Microsoft Teams Phone Support
We do provide the technical support that organizations need for Teams Voice. We have a couple of different options depending on your needs. Our standard level of support is our most basic level of support, and you can see there is also Premium support and Enterprise support. The Premium and
Can we have different Microsoft licenses for different employees?
Can we have different Microsoft licenses for different employees? ABSOLUTELY! When it comes to Microsoft licenses, one size does NOT fit all. Many companies assign the same license to everyone in their company, which is not necessary. Microsoft has built flexibility and cost control into their
How many devices can I install Office apps on if I have a M365 business plan?
How many devices can I install Office apps on if I have a M365 business plan? The quick answer is five devices.If you purchase a Microsoft 365 business plan for your office, each license/user can install the Office apps on up to five devices.If you are using an older version of Office on your